Anise hyssop, which is also called Blue giant hyssop, Fragrant giant hyssop, or the Lavender giant hyssop, is from the mint family Lamiaceae and native to the north-central and northeastern regions of North America.
Is Anise hyssop a perenenial
Anise hyssop (Agastache foeniculum) is a perennial plant known for its medicinal values and ability to attract pollinators.
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Anise hyssop uses
Leaves and flowers of Anise hyssop can be eaten fresh, cooked, and dried.
Fresh leaves and flowers are also excellent in salads, with fruit, in cold drinks, in Jams and jellies.
Its anise-scented leaves are used in salads, jellies, and teas.
It is useful in borders, wildflower gardens, herb gardens, butterfly gardens, and meadows. It can also be an excellent addition to containers.
With over 90,000 flowers per spike, Anise Hyssop provides abundant food for pollinators, including honeybees, bumblebees, hummingbirds, and butterflies.
The dried leaves of Anise hyssop are used to make potpourri.
You can make tea with dried flowers. Extra sweetener is not necessary, as this is naturally sweet.
It is grown commercially for honey bees, which produce delicious honey. Honey produced from the plant is of good quality, light in color, and has a slight mint taste.
Goldfish finches love the seeds of anise hyssop.
Anise hyssop medicinal uses
Native Americans used it medicinally for cough, fevers, wounds, diarrhea.
Health help with Digestion, in treating fevers, diarrhea, coughs, Sore muscles, skin infections, colds, and bronchial congestion and wounds.
Anise Hyssop has good nutritional value.
How much water does the Anise hyssop need?
Anise hyssop thrives in dry conditions though it can do well in moist soils. They are prone to root rot if they are in soggy or waterlogged soil.
To encourage good drainage, you can add some sand or grit to the soil.
Once established, Anise hyssop becomes drought-tolerant and can survive weeks together without water.
In summer and spring, water moderately, and during the winters, you can skip watering you Anise hyssop.
Anise hyssop sun or shade
Anise hyssop grows best when it gets full sun. They can survive in partial shade, but they may not get good blooms and tend to grow tall and thin.
Even in higher temperatures, just with moderate watering, they will not droop.
What type of soil does Anise hyssop prefer?
Anise hyssop can grow well in a variety of soil types. You need to ensure that it is well-drained soil.
Pests and diseases in Anise hyssop
Anise hyssop is relatively pest-free. Powdery mildew and spider mites may attack some times during dry weather.
Crown rot or root may develop if the soil is too wet or in poorly drained soils.
How to propagate Anise hyssop?
You can propagate Anise hyssop by seeds, cuttings, or division in spring.
Seeds: It is easy to grow from seed. Sow seed indoors in late winter or outdoors during late spring. Seeds need light to germinate, so barely cover them.
Seeds germinate in 1-4 weeks, depending on the temperature. If started indoors, transplant them after the final frost of the season, once the plants show their first true leaves.
Division: Divide plant clumps every few years in spring or fall to start new plants. No need to divide it if you are growing them in cooler climates as they can grow as annuals.
Cuttings: Start plants from stem cuttings in spring or summer. Strip the bottom leaves and dip cutting tips in rooting hormone.
Place the stem cutting in a brighter location or semi-shade and not under direct sunlight.
Can you grow Anise hyssop indoors?
Anise hyssop can be grown indoors. Choose a pot at least 6 inches wide and deep and place it near a bright window.
What are the fertilizer requirements of the Anise hyssop?
Anise hyssop does not require additional fertilizer as long as the soil is reasonably fertile. You can add compost while planting Anise hyssop.
What are the different Cultivars and hybrids of Anise hyssop?
Alba : White/Near White flowers
Golden Jubilee : blue-lavender bottle-brush flowers
Licorice Blue : lavender-blue flowers
Licorice White : white flowers
Black Adder : smoky red-violet flowers
Blue Blazes : lavender-pink flowers
Blue Fortune : lavender-blue flowers
Heatwave : magenta-pink flowers
Snow Spike : white flowers
Red Fortune : bright magenta-red flowers
Alabaster : creamy-white spikes
In what zones Anise hyssop can be grown?
Anise hyssop grows best in zones 4 to 10. Though it is resistant to cold, it dies in freezing winters.
Anise hyssop bloom time
Anise hyssop blooms from June to September. It is a great mid-summer flowering plant.